Press Release Haiti Policy House Staff Press Release Haiti Policy House Staff

Haiti Policy House Condemns Racist and Xenophobic Remarks by Senator J.D. Vance, Senator Ted Cruz, and X CEO Elon Musk

Haiti Policy House strongly condemns the racist and xenophobic rhetoric recently made by Republican Senator and V.P. nominee JD Vance, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, and X CEO Elon Musk targeting the Haitian community in Ohio. Racist claims such as “Haitians are stealing and eating cats” in Ohio, represent a dangerous escalation of hate-filled disinformation that threatens the lives of all Haitians. This kind of rhetoric emboldens far-right extremism and reinforces anti-Black sentiments.


09/09/2024 - Haiti Policy House strongly condemns the racist and xenophobic rhetoric recently made by Republican Senator and V.P. nominee JD Vance, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, and X CEO Elon Musk targeting the Haitian community in Ohio. Racist claims such as “Haitians are stealing and eating household cats” in Ohio, represent a dangerous escalation of hate-filled disinformation that threatens the lives of all Haitians. This kind of rhetoric emboldens far-right extremism and reinforces anti-Black sentiments.

Senator Ted Cruz further exacerbated this harmful rhetoric by urging American voters to vote for Republican Candidate Donald Trump, so that “Haitian immigrants won’t eat their household cats.” This spread of disinformation is part of a broader strategy to scapegoat marginalized communities to influence elections.

Haiti Policy House is a Washington, D.C., nonpartisan research institute dedicated to creating and informing strategic foreign policies for a safe and free Haiti. As an organization staffed by Haitians and Haitian-Americans, Haiti Policy House unequivocally condemns Sen. Vance and Sen. Cruz’s conspiracy as racist, xenophobic, disingenuous, baseless, and dangerous. There is no evidence of this outlandish claim occurring, nor is it acceptable for such claims to be amplified by major political candidates. 

We call on political leaders, public figures, media outlets, and platforms to take immediate action and stand against these dangerous attacks. Protecting the lives of hardworking individuals and families must be a priority.

Like all other immigrants, Haitians have made significant contributions to the economy and social fabric of the United States. The Haitian community’s involvement in the political process, including within the Republican Party, is significant and could indeed influence the outcome of this election in key states like Florida where over 544,000 Haitians reside. We will not allow these contributions to be overshadowed by malicious accusations.

We urge Senators Vance and Cruz to issue an apology to the Haitian community for their reckless and inflammatory statements. Such rhetoric has no place in our political discourse, and we urge all leaders to engage in a more respectful and fact-based conversation about immigration and cultural diversity.

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Press Release Haiti Policy House Staff Press Release Haiti Policy House Staff

Groundbreaking Partnership with the Center for Planning Techniques and Applied Economics in Haiti!

Haiti Policy House announces strategic partnership with the Centre de Techniques de Planification et d’Économie Appliquée (CTPEA) aimed at advancing research, training, and collaboration.

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07/31/2024 - Haiti Policy House announced a new partnership with the Centre de Techniques de Planification et d’Économie Appliquée (CTPEA) - Center for Planning Techniques and Applied Economics- to facilitate research, training, and collaboration.

CTPEA has trained students and senior executives in Haiti since 1983, offering specialization in statistics, planning, and applied economics. Over the past four decades, CTPEA has developed a network of experts who are leaders in public administration. 

Haiti Policy House, based in Washington, D.C., is a research institute dedicated to creating innovative and sustainable solutions to Haiti’s most significant challenges. Clifford Reginald Nau, a board member of Haiti Policy House, a proud Alum, and a Professor of Public Policy at CTPEA, expressed his support of the partnership, stating, “This partnership advances public policy thinking and economic policy solutions for Haiti.” On the part of the Director of the CTPEA, he supports the idea that “this partnership expresses the will of a whole group of citizens to address the main problems facing society, and the two institutions will inevitably be more present in the field of research.” 

As the first higher education institution to offer courses in public policy in Haiti, the partnership between CTPEA and Haiti Policy House, the first research institute run by Haitians and Haitian Americans focusing on critical issues affecting Haiti, is groundbreaking. Haiti Policy House would especially like to thank Mr. Hosval Tristan, Director of CTPEA for his leadership in supporting this new partnership.  

The CTPEA and Haiti Policy House partnership will focus on:  

  • Jointly sharing data and research with the aim of improving the quality of research and public policy proposals;  

  • Collaborating on training, internships, and other professional development opportunities;  

  • Sharing, presenting, and amplifying publications from CTPEA and Haiti Policy House in order to inform public policy stakeholders, both in Haiti and globally.

Through collaboration, research, and dialogue, this strategic partnership reaffirms Haiti Policy House’s and CTPEA’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of Haitian experts. Wolf Pamphile, Founder and Executive Director of Haiti Policy House, comments that “through this partnership, we move forward with continuing to put Haiti and its people first.”  

For more information about CTPEA, please visit  

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